Friday, August 30, 2013

Dear Scabby -- Wondering in Washington

Dear Scabby:

Who did you vote for in November, Obama or Romney?


Wondering in Washington
Dear Wondering:

Well, as you know, Ah'm a big bleever in family values. Fergit gay marriage. Ah likes to vote fer whoever is tryin' to legalize sibling marriage. That's right, sibling marriage. Whut's more family oriented than marryin' 'em and breedin' with 'em? It's the lack of inbreedin' whut's killin' America.

So, Ah rilly wanted to vote fer Hillary. She's the only one Ah knows fer shure breeds with kinfolk, bein' a good ol' girl from Arkansaw. Lookit her kid. There's definitely some recessive genes expressin' themselves in that sorry face.

Ah cain't vote fer Barry Obama. He dun looks like he comes from a family of outbreeders. White momma, black daddy, not an uncle or cousin anywheres in his parentage. And he wants to lead America? Not on my watch.

Ah still wanted McCain. He at least gits a few bonus points in mah book fer havin' a young 'un fer a bride. At least, she looks like she could be a daughter or a niece. Ah had mah researchers doin' some checkin', an' it don't appear that she's kin or nuthin', so that was a big black mark agin' him when it comes to family values. Sometimes, if both yer parents is only chilluns, and mebbe even yer grandparents too, there might not be enough cousins, niece or sisters to git hitched to one. Ah'm gonna check it out git back with ya.

Anyhooz, Ah wrote McCain's name in, cuz he's the closest thing to an inbreeder we gawt, but if I can find me some third-party candidate whut supports the legalization of medical meth, that person's gonna git mah vote next time.

Ah'm so sick of hearin' about legalizing medical marihoony, and people being able to grow their own pot. Whut about meth? Ah'm tired of criminalizing mah kids jest so they kin git the meth their growing bodies so desperately need. If cancer patients can grow pot legally, then we inbreeders oughta be able to have a legal meth lab in our homes, at least fer personal use.



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